Wednesday 23 February 2011


We decided it could be a good idea to add music to our pop up, just to make the whole Victorian theme continued. We thought we could use some classical pieces that would just play on a loop when someone is inside.

Ideas for the music are :

Bach oboe concerto in D minor

Vivaldi concerto for 2 violins

Nothing too overpowering as it will be playing softly in the background and don't want to take the focus away from the exhibition pieces.



Final promotion

These are our other 2 promotional ideas. The first shows the invite, with the 2 keys (1 key for the main door and the other for the mock hotel room).

This shows the layout of the bellboy and the desk. He will hand out the invites and show the customer where to go.


The scale model of Final Proposal


First Powerpoint

Here is our first powerpoint presentation


Tuesday 22 February 2011

Final Poster Idea

Here is the final poster

This poster will be placed around the centre of Preston to attract and direct consumers to our Pop Up

I have continued our them of rich, classic colours and created a perspective view of the first corridor that the customers will enter after receiving the first key



This is the beginning of the poster that I am creating.
It hasn't been cut out yet, but it gives an example of the perspective of our pop up store 


Invitation hand out

For our invitation hand out we first thought we could place it in town and have a path or map that led to our pop up but then we decided to locate the fake reception desk just outside the victoria building as the popup will be displayed inside so the customer would know where to go.
Throughout the town, there will be poster attracting attention towards victoria building. 


The area where the desk will be

Promotional material: Poster

For our poster, I have been thinking of different ways we could present our information for the consumer.

As the poster is going to create a 'pathway' up to our Pop Up, I want it to be eye catching, interesting and slightly unusual, in order to convey our theme within the store.

So I have come up with the idea whereby our poster is in the form of a keyhole. 

Heres some examples of my inspiration

I like the idea of giving the consumer a preview of our pop up on the poster, from the viewpoint of 'through the keyhole'.


Location of Promotion

Here are some pictures that I have taken of the location of our Pop Up store and also where we are planning to position the Bell Boy to hand out the invitations (keys)


Monday 21 February 2011

The Pop Up Shop.

Here is the final design of the pop up shop. In place inside the gallery space.  It has had to be changed slightly from the original design as we have to leave access to the doors already within the space.  Therefore we have to section off the part which will be out pop up shop.

Light Red - Existing walls
Dark Red - Pop Up walls
Light Green - Existing Doors
Dark Green - Pop Up doors


Saturday 19 February 2011


Here are the photos of the to-scale model with the beginnings of the furniture and decor.


Beginnings of the models.

Here are the few beginning models I did to test out whether it would work or not.    
This is also a way in which we could make the final 'furniture' if our pop-up shop was chosen to be the actual show.   As this would use up the excess cardboard that Nigel has for us to use.


Friday 18 February 2011


Here is the desk with added colour and gradient to make it more realistic.

I added in the bellboy i made earlier to show how it will all look when it is finished.

To finish it i need to added in the hanging keys in the background and maybe add a logo to the front? and a bell or maybe a plant or lamp to the actual desk to make it less plain


Promotion desk

This is the start of the making of the promotional desk on illustrator, here is the basic layout.



Our main idea for promotion is the hotel desk placed up the street handing out the keys for our pop up. Sticking with the Victorian theme the actor who places the receptionist would be dressed like a bell boy with the keys hanging behind him.

Another idea is that there could be a tiny map on a keyring showing the person where to go?

Here are a few images that has got me thinking of the style of desk we want to use..

I really like the idea of tassel key rings attached to the keys

I like the layout of this desk, simple but works well


The name..

Paul Merton, host of Room 101

It started life on radio as a way of setting fire to Sue Lawley without actually getting arrested - a way of countering the smug sliminess of Desert Island Discs and that godawful theme tune that's not quite Sailing By.
Based on the room of the same name in Orwell's 1984, Room 101 began in 1992 on Radio 4, before vaulting to TV two years later, whilst the radio series ceased.
Hosted on Radio 4 and BBC TWO by Nick Hancock, and from 1999 by Paul Merton, Room 101 has a simple premise.
Celebrity guests come on and consign to Room 101 anything they particularly loathe and despise, arguing with the host as to the merits of chucking Football, France or Novelty Underpants to oblivion.
At its best Room 101 is deliciously biting about institutions that we hate - and fantastic argument fodder when someone rubbishes something you love.

Since we are calling our popup 'Room101' i looked into previous things that used the same name. I came across the tv show that use to be on the BBC where celebs could put anything they didn't like into Room 101 as it is thought to be a place where unpleasant things go but in relation to our pop up I think it works because like the concept of the show says, 'argument fodder when someone rubbishes something you love' which could apply to our pop up because they layout and what is displayed in it will not always be to everyones taste.


Wednesday 9 February 2011

Victorian hotel furniture

Here's some examples of furniture that would have been found in the grand '5 star' Victorian hotels


Hotel mood board

Here's some colours for us to go by when thinking about interior's for the hotel room idea


Key promo..

I looked at the aspect of keys in relation to promotion. I did a few designs using Victorian keys and the numbers 101 placed together like a keyring.

We could use these as logos or on posters etc..


Room 101

We thought for the actual Room101 it would be quite Victorian, the main colours being reds, golds etc..


Pop Up Retail Definition

If new products can come and go, why can't stores?
The trend dubbed 'Pop Up Retail' is an initiative used to generate a buzz. Usually unannounced, they quickly draw interest and attention, then disappear or morph into something else.
They are adding freshness too retail, especially in this current climate, and can also give a feel of exclusivity and surprise to consumers. 
